Sunday Synopsis

You all probably know by now that I have a really hard time keeping up with goals, I just roll them over. Such is life. 

This past week:

  • The pool chemicals still are not balanced. (But the water is too cold yet to really worry about that.)
  • The weeds are almost knee high AGAIN!
  • It was raining the first few days of the week, so no paperback books got delivered, (that’s my excuse, anyway).
  • The laundry got done, and the kitchen gets cleaned every day, the bathrooms got cleaned, but the furniture needs vacuuming, and the floors still need to be vacuumed and mopped. (The joys of owning shedding animals.)
  • I took my first chapter of my WIP to my writers’ group. Funny thing happened. I had gotten nervous and cut out some back story feeling it was too much telling and not enough showing. Guess what they said was missing? Back story. Go figure. I am about five chapters into this and keep rewriting chapter one. This may take a while. Still, I am having fun.
  • Those who follow me on Twitter know that my tweets have slowed down some. A few a day, instead of twenty or thirty. (You’re welcome.) I do think it is doing some good. I had a goal of three hundred books for the month of February with the 99 cent ENT promo for a day. I moved 151 in 2 days during that promo on the 15th and 16th, and had started with 19 sold before the promo at $3.99. (170) When the two days of the promo were over, the book remained at 99 cents pending all the other non-Amazon platforms getting the price reset, as Amazon won’t change the price back until everyone else does, and that took forever. The biggest problem was Sony dragging their feet, which got accomplished Feb 28th.  I opened a Twitter account on the 18th and kept moving books at 99 cents through the 28th to reach 298 for the month. That’s 128 more books in ten days. So I was very happy, and, though I did not quite reach my 300 goal, I came pretty darn close.
  • Then some magic happened today. After seeing no sales at all yesterday, and feeling like the party was definitely over now that the price is reset to $3.99 (which is what happened in December the day after the promo I had at that time), I sold two books today! Um wha! Whoever you were.  It is the toughest thing in the world when KDP rolls over to the next month and you are sitting there with a big fat zero until someone invests in you. Gives you the opportunity to share your story. That first number every month is like fairy dust sprinkled on a biscuit turning it into a cupcake with rainbow frosting. 
  • Since my royalty on those 99 cent books is 35 cents per book, I am not making any big purchases, but with the other 19 sales at $3.99 I did break $100.00 for the month of February, and we are still sharing the story.
  • Also, this past week, Red Clay and Roses was reviewed by the lovely Rosie Amber, which you can see here. And she posted a very nice interview here, which I really enjoyed because she asked me some seriously meaningful questions about the book that really got me thinking. There is also a new five star review on Amazon, which you can see here.
  • Finally, I got to go to the beach. I spend too much time in the house, so a bright sunshiny day at a sleepy little seaside village was perfect. See:

The Breakers restaurant, at the beach entrance.
The Breakers restaurant, at the beach entrance.
New Smyrna Beach
New Smyrna Beach
Beach goers having fun!
Beach goers having fun!
High surf in the Atlantic.
High surf in the Atlantic (Sailboats in the distance).
Roach Coach on the Beach
Roach Coach on the Beach
Feathered rats...I mean gulls.
Feathered rats…I mean gulls.
and more gulls.
and more gulls.
Garden Shop. Another day in paradise.
Garden Shop. Another day in paradise.
Pretty flowers high and low.
Pretty flowers high and low.
Shell shop.
Shell shop.
Painted murals along Flagler Avenue.
Painted murals along Flagler Avenue.
One of my favorite views is from inside the beach bar.
One of my favorite views is from inside the beach bar.

This Week: (For those of you who tolerated the slide show.)

  • More tweets.
  • Get books delivered.
  • More writing.
  • I am not promising to clean the house again.

Goodreads Giveaway is over tomorrow: 3/03/2014

Two autographed copies of Red Clay and Roses and two Amazon $10.00 gift cards up for grabs.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Red Clay and Roses by S.K. Nicholls

Red Clay and Roses

by S.K. Nicholls

Giveaway ends March 03, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.


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