Fastidious Paperback Finally Launches

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Nearly seven months since this project began “Red Clay and Roses” is finally available in paperback.  The process was a learning experience. It does feel good to have this accomplished!


Buy Right Here: Amazon

Since the eversion was first published in March of this year, I have met up with a whole new world of people, made dear new friends, acquired access to resources, and enhanced both skill and knowledge.

After all of that hard work, the stress, and emotional ups and downs, it was honestly rather un-climactic. I can’t say anticlimactic. The excitement and thrill I was expecting didn’t happen.  I logged onto Amazon today and there it was, a little message that read:

It seems like there should be some sort of ceremony.  I am very happy.  I am overjoyed that it happened before Christmas!  Now I have to get out and distribute books to the twelve independent bookstores that are waiting.